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Per fare esperienza e guadagnare dollari devi lavorare oppure duellare altri giocatori. Ogni lavoro ha dei propri valori di fortuna, esperienza e salario che lo rende unico. Ogni lavoro appare più volte sulla mappa. Non importa dove svolgi un lavoro, i valori sono sempre gli stessi.

I lavori sono segnati sulla mappa con un cerchio marrone. I lavori che non puoi ancora accettare sono segnati con un simbolo trasparente. Se ti mancano ancora molti punti lavoro prima di poter fare un determinato lavoro è possibile che questo non venga visualizzato nella mappa.

Per iniziare un lavoro basta cliccare sul suo simbolo sulla mappa. Puoi accodare fino a 3 lavori consecutivamente, se utilizzi il premium "Automatizzazione" la lista di lavori accodabili sale a 6.


Per iniziare a lavorare, devi scegliere una durata e cliccare su 'Ok'. La distanza indica quanto ci metti per arrivare sul posto. Appena arrivi sul luogo del lavoro, inizi a lavorare automaticamente. Puoi svolgere solo un lavoro alla volta. Quando termini un lavoro, ottieni i punti esperienza e il salario. Con un pò di fortuna puoi trovare anche degl'oggetti durante il lavoro. Ma potresti anche avere sfortuna e ferirti. Ogni lavoro è faticoso e costa punti riposo.

Interrompere un lavoro


Puoi interrompere un lavoro in ogni momento, cliccando sulla X rossa accanto ad esso. Riceverai una salario pari a quello che avresti ricevuto selezionando una durata di un livello minore. Ad esempio se interrompi un lavoro dopo 40 minuti, otterrai un salario pari a 30 minuti di lavoro. Se interrompi il lavoro prima ancora di arrivarci, torni subito sul luogo di partenza. Se hai il bonus premium 'Automatizzazione' e hai tre lavori in coda e cancelli il secondo, al termine del primo il tuo personaggio si recherà al terzo lavoro.

Job values


The wages value is a number between 0% and 100%. This number decides how much money you make while working on this job. The higher the number, the more money you can make.


The experience value is a number between 0% and 100%. This number decides how many experience points you make while working on this job. The higher the number, the more experience points you can gain.


Luck is a number between 0% and 100%. Each time you work on a job you have the chance to find an item. The higher the number the better the items you find will be. Working longer raises the chances to find an item.


Danger is shown with a number between 0% and 100%. Each time you work on a job you run the risk of getting hurt. The higher the danger, the more dangerous the injuries can turn out. The chance that you get hurt is decided by the time you work and by the labor points you have for this job. The longer you work the more risk you run to get hurt.


Motivation is a value between 0% and 100%. This number says how motivated you are to work on this job right now. The starting motivation is 100%. With every hour you do the job the motivation goes down by 3%. The motivation constantly raises by 10 points per day until it reaches the 100% it started with. With a motivation lower than 100% you make less money, less experience points and you find less items. With a motivation of 80% you receive 80% of the money you would have gotten otherwise.

Labor points

Labor points show how good you are at working on a job. You need at least one labor point to be able to do the job at all. Bringing in more points raises the wages, it lets you find better items and it lowers the risk to hurt yourself badly.

It takes 5 skills to do a job and the skill points of those 5 skills are added up and put towards the difficulty to find out if you are ready to work on this job yet. Other skills have no influence on the work at all. The labor points are calculated by subtracting the difficulty from the skill points.


Used skill points
Labor Points


Tending sheep needs Toughness, Stamina, Leadership and twice Animal instinct. In this example Toughness has been trained to level 3 and Stamina to level 2. With that you bring in:

  • 3 Toughness
  • +2 Stamina
  • +0 Leadership
  • +0 Animal instinct
  • +0 Animal instinct
  • ------------
  • 5 Skill points

The difficulty for this job is 7. The means you right now have 5-7 = -2 labor points. You cannot work on this job just yet.

Possibility 1

Used skill points
Labor Points


By training Leadership to level 3 you would bring in 3+2+3+0+0 = 8 skill points. That would give you 8-7 = 1 labor points. With that you could work on this job.

Possibility 2

Used skill points
Labor Points


By training Animal instinct to level 2 you would bring in 3+2+0+2+2 = 9 skill points. That would give you 9-7 = 2 labor points. With that you could also work on this job.

Possibility 3

Used skill points
Labor Points


You can also do this job by using attribute points. If you raise Charisma by one point you increase both leadership and Animal instinct by one point. You would bring in 3+2+1+1+1 = 8 skill points. With that you would again have 1 labor points and would be able to work on this job.